When deciding that I was going to start and relaunch the blog I wondered if I should change the name. After all, the blog no longer was based on beauty products, and tricks. So I figured that maybe another name that is more relevant to my topics would be better. I asked my husband, what he thought about it and he told me “maybe… pray about it.” So, I looked for other names, I prayed and needless to say I couldn’t change the name.

There’s so much more behind the name that 5 years ago I didn’t completely see or understand. Back in 2014, the name for me had a biblical meaning to it, mainly pertaining to God forming us from the dust (Genesis 2:7) and focusing on your inner beauty (1 Peter 3:3-4) but it was just the surface. I mainly was focused on having the ladies accepting themselves rather than feeling the need to have to wear makeup, although I shared makeup tips. But God, had so much more in store for what Be U tiful Dust was supposed to be. I can see that now. 

Be U tiful Dust is not only supposed to encourage you to accept yourself for who you are. It’s also to remind you that through the process God is creating something beautiful in you (Philippians 1:6). You know, that you that not everybody, if anybody sees. That you with not only scars in your face but also in your heart. That you, who is more than a mess that anybody can imagine. That you, who can’t seem to figure out how to get your life together. Yes, that's the you that God wants. He doesn’t want you to try to get it together on your own. He takes your everyday life, everyday struggles, and your past hurt and everyday mess and turns it into something simply beautiful. Just like that! Out of simple dust He creates masterpieces. 


Scrappy said…
Precious and prophetic prose. Excited for your channel