Welcome! or should I really say Welcome Back!

I was thinking very hard of whether or not I should actually restart this blog for a while before deciding on taking this step. I thought of how I tried the blogger life and "failed". But, there's an urge in my heart that's pushing me to write so here I am.

Be U tiful Dust as some of you may know was a blog based on the fashion and makeup industry back in 2014. I love the fashion industry and had the passion and drive to research and try new things and make the blog flourish. But, months after launching I got pregnant and honestly my life changed. I received a brand new perspective of what's important and needed. The fashion and cosmetic industry is a very expensive one even when you try to bargain. To strive you need to have, use and review the latest, it's a forever changing trend.  Honestly, it's something that my husband and I can't afford. I tried to come back time after time but it was hard when at the end of the day I stood at the store thinking "Makeup pallet or diapers? Makeup pallet or diapers?" Diapers always won!

So now, here I am, with a new perspective for this blog. Where I don't have to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars trying to keep up with the latest. Instead, I will be sharing with you all about Life. My experiences and thoughts as an individual, a wife and a mother. I will also share how God encounters us on our day by day life, even though we don't always notice. Thankfully, He knows we don't know any better and is gracious enough to continue to be there, day in and day out, without shifting, without changing. I don't need to try to keep up with Him because He always meets me where I am. Teaching and molding me into something that although I don't really see it now, but because I know Him, I know is quite beautiful.


Sindy said…
Love it! Exicted to read more!
Brenda said…
So beautiful !
Anonymous said…
God driven goal never fail. God is good.
Gricel said…
So beautiful welcome back. I can’t wait to read more
Anonymous said…
Dale manita!!! This is awesome!!! I’m proud of you. -manito
Scraps said…
The Lord hijacked your blog through a baby! (: excited for your blogger “rebirth” very symbolic. Prayers on you sister 👍🏽♥️