INTRO: Life as a Wife

May 18, 2013 was one of the turning point days of my life. It was the day that one of my dreams as little girl became a reality. It was the day that I got to marry the man of my dreams, the man that at one point in life I didn't believe existed. But, he did, he's not perfect but he is everything I asked God for. A man that was after God's heart, that was willing to wait, and that wasn't afraid to show me love and respect. Looks was never important to me but I must confess that God hooked me up with a very handsome guy as well.

Anyways, I feel blessed to not only be able to call him my husband but to also be able to call him my best friend. But, like every relationship it's not perfect. We have had our great moments and some tough ones as well. After 5 years soon to be 6 we still don't have everything figured out but we have learned a lot. 

Here, I will like for you to join me as I share with you lessons we've learned and are still learning as a couple, as a wife, as a friend, as a partner. A lot goes on in a marriage! More than what we might have been told or warned. It is my hope that if you're single and hoping to get married or newly wed you can learn a little more what it means and takes to be married. And if you've been married for a couple of years like myself and might be going through a tough patch with your spouse that you can hopefully read some of our experiences and lessons and realize it's all worth it.
