INTRO: Life as a Parent

March 10, 2015 was the day that my life changed in ways that I would have never imagined. This was the day I finally became a mom for the first time to a precious little boy. After 31 hours of labor and various scary moments and even a scarier  arrival, he was finally well and laying on my chest.

It was the day I realized I will never love anyone as much as that little boy who was a part of me. The day I realized that there  isn't anything he can do that will make me love him any less. It was the beginning of a "wonderful" journey of motherhood. After almost 2 years we find out that we're expecting again.
On October 13, 2017 I gave birth to my second baby boy. And my life changed all over again. Labor this time was way less, only 14 hours and in many ways better than my first.

 I've learn so much more since then. I guess this was the moment when I was able to truly understand God's love for me. Having my two boys has helped me see that there is  no preference or more love for one than the other. There is just unconditional, immeasurable love for the both of them.

Anyways, just like that my journey began as mom of two. It's a wonderful yet exhausting journey. This is the journey I want to share with you, all of it not just the beautiful, wonderful part of it but the tiring, ugly, vulnerable parts of it as well. We all need to know it's OK to not have it all together as everyone makes it seem. We also need to know that it doesn't make us any less of a parent than the person who has it all together. So, I hope you join me in this journey and that God may glorify himself, strengthening and encouraging you as we go through the life of parenting together.
