Changing Seasons

"For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven."

- Ecclesiastes 3:1  

I was supposed to continue to write about rest and I might still share with you all about that some time in the future but you see 3 weeks ago was my birthday and it wasn't just any birthday it was a big one for me. It was my 30th birthday. Prior to my birthday I put up a picture in Instagram and shared a little thought about how the seasons change. If I am honest with you all, that has been resounding in my mind even louder after my birthday. I think it is safe to say that turning the big 30 seems to shift things in our minds. There are certain level of expectation we have of where we should be in life when we turn 30 whether its starting to settle down or starting a family or being in a stable job where you're striving and moving on up or even having certain investments in place. There's a certain expectation we all have even if it's not for your birthday, even if it's unconsciously.

As I have shared with you all in a previous post I'm a person who loves to plan. I love to have certain things in order like how many children and how old should I be when I conceive and yes I know I don't have any control over those things because I am not God but it gives me certain comfort to have a pencil written plan with the eraser at hand to make any changes. What I didn't expect was the amount of changes I had to make for this year, a year that was so pivotal to me as I leave my 20s behind and welcomed the 30s. 

You might be wondering why am I talking to you about this? Why am I sharing something that might seem so diary-like? Well I want to share with you all about this because I think it is safe to say that we all are in changing seasons.

We are all trying to adapt to this "new normal" with virtual learning for children and mask wearing strolls and outdoor dining at usually indoor restaurants. Many things have changed and are still changing where our upcoming holidays will be spent in small maybe even just immediate family gathering rather than maybe the usual and huge, entire family gathering. Changing seasons have so many unknowns, so many questions and wonderings, fears or even dreading and excitements. Changing seasons are usually accompanied with some adapting, with "a new normal".  But it is in the adapting of the changing season that can be so overwhelming, it can even be so frustrating like wearing a sweater in a cold morning only to be sweating in it by lunch time because it feels like summer again. 

Adapting is where I believe many of us struggle. I believe that we all can understand or at least try to understand the new season we are in and even admire that there is or will be beauty in this new season but adapting doesn't always come with ease. Adapting can even be painful and heartbreaking. As we adapt, our expectations might not always be met, our dreams or plans might get chattered by the sudden cold or the sudden rain or the sudden snow. But, although I believe that adaptability is difficult I truly believe that it is beautiful because it is in that process that we grow, that we flourish into someone or something that we never thought we could be or do.  

This year I expected to welcome my 30s working in the company that I worked in for 9 years, planning on baby #3 and saving money to buy a two family house here in NJ. Instead I welcomed my 30s unemployed, changing the plan for baby #3 and no where near to buying a house here. It's Changing Seasons. I can get stuck there and feel upset or frustrated but instead I'm looking at what my "adapting" is pushing me towards to and the things that we are in the verge of and even though it is scary and there's so many unknowns still, I can see that it is beautiful and that it is beyond what I could have ever imagined. So I encourage you to embrace the changing seasons and try to keep in mind what beauty is your adaptability pushing you to. 
