How did it get so late so soon?

“How did it get so late so soon? It's night before it's afternoon. December is here before it's June. My goodness how the time has flewn. How did it get so late so soon?”
Dr. Seuss 

What might seem like a corny little riddle has actually become the reality of our present living. Before you realize it, it's night time, before you realize it, it's Monday again, before you realize it, it's the end of the year and it goes on and on with every season, every holiday, year after year. Living this fast paced life worrying about the next thing and the next thing has given us very little time to enjoy the present.

As I had mentioned in my previous post having an unexpected conversation during my lunch with Carlos made me realize this and if I am completely honest with you guys I ended up crying a little. Not because I was just being super emotional or anything but simply because I realized that I'm actually missing out on what truly matters in life and that's being able to enjoy my boys as they're growing up.

I remember telling Carlos, "...look at Caleb, before we know it he's going to be 5(he's actually already 5), he's in school already and before we know it he's going to be too big to want me hugging on him and kissing him. He'll be too big to want to play with me." It was at that moment that I truly realized that I was missing out on my boys for the desire to get things in order.

I mean I wish I can have everything in my life in order. That my house can be spotless clean, that I can have a specific labeled place for everything, that laundry will be done and put away immediately. That I had the time to play, help with homework, cook, bathe, read a bedtime story every night after being non-stop doing things all day long. All while maintaining a healthy lifestyle in every aspect, physically, mentally and spiritually. I hope that being a "super mom" or what we have imagined to be a "super mom" was actually doable and real, but it isn't.

Therefore, it is our job to take hold of what really is important, which is the family beside us, or the family your building and growing, basically the people you're doing life with. Enjoy and cherish the present that you're living. Don't be so driven by the future that you miss out on moments that you won't be able to get back while being in that very same future you were so focused on.

With that being said I'm not saying don't have dreams for the future, or don't work for a better future. Don't get me wrong. Do Work! Just be willing to be okay with it taking a little longer to get there because today instead of getting things done you actually played with your kids when they asked you to play with them or you sat down to watch the movie with your significant other when they asked you to sit down with them, or grabbed an unexpected cup of coffee with a friend. And not because you scheduled it in advance, and purposely made time for it, although being intentional with making time for these things is a great thing to do, but simply because you want to enjoy that time with them at the moment they're seeking it, or need it. This might not be something you can do every single time, and that's okay too but just remember that sometimes its those unexpected times that ends up being the times that are mostly cherished and the best memories made. 
