On Monday, May 18th, I celebrated my 7th wedding anniversary with Carlos. Last year on the 16th, he shared a memory in his Instagram story and it really amazed me. You see in the picture we were at the park behind our apartment building with our then 2 month old Caleb. I was having Taco Bell, Carlos was having Popeyes and we were sharing the soda. It was our 2nd wedding anniversary and we were going through a difficult financial season. Going out for dinner at a restaurant wasn't much of an option but we made it work and had a lunch date at the park instead.

Although, we wanted to do something more special or should I say extravagant like have dinner at an expensive restaurant to celebrate, I remember feeling content. Feeling happy at the fact that we were able to get some fast food and have a lunch date at the park with our son. Seven years later I can see how that right there, being content, is key.

We knew what it was to have a lot. We both made good money at the start of our engagement and marriage. Moved into a bigger apartment three months after getting married, simply because we (mostly me) wanted a bigger place where we can host gatherings and we could afford it so why not? Yet, about 6 months prior to that picture, I was about 6 months pregnant, Carlos loses his job. And we found ourselves with little money saved up, expecting a child and with a huge apartment that we could realistically no longer afford.

Our life took a turn that we wasn't ready for. But, by God's grace we pushed through and learned a lot along the way. We took it a day at a time and cut our expenses as much as possible to meet month ends. We cried many times because we didn't know what else to do. Other times, we were mad but like punching walls kind of mad out of the frustration that things continued to happen, like the sofa breaking on us just as we were talking and saying things can't get lower than this. And yet at other times we would chuckle because we knew there was nothing for us to do but trust God. Through it all, through day by day filled with different emotions that could have torn us apart we were able to see God show up and supply our needs. We were able to experience God supply and supply abundantly, where we didn't have to buy anything for the baby, and we didn't have to buy formula for like 4-5 months and didn't buy diapers for like 7 months.

Seven years later, and I thank God for that season in our life. That season didn't only made us learn how to budget our expenses and savings, but we grew stronger together as a couple and in our trust in God. We learned to lean on each other, be understanding with each other in the times that our frustration would snap out, and we learned to listen to each other. We learned to be content in our lows as we were content in our highs. We learned that being content doesn't mean we can't dream or want to do better but rather to enjoy, be happy and grateful with what we have. Paul says in Philippians 4:12 "I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want." And then he says the verse many of us love "I can do all this through him who gives me strength." 

During these social distancing times, I think it is safe to say that we're all going through a trialing season whether you're single or have a spouse. But, if you find yourself not knowing what to do, I encourage you to do this aside from trusting God, don't let the problem blind you and seek for a way to be content. I know that if you don't allow the problem to blind you, and you choose to be content you too will see God show up even if it's in an unexpected way and He will supply your need which ever it may be.
