Season of Seclusion

Hey y'all,

I want to take a moment and speak about the times we are all in and facing. We're in a very pressing and hard times due to the Corona Virus where we are needing to social distance ourselves and quarantine ourselves. Where NJ and NY have been basically shut down. Therefore, I simply couldn't continue with yesterday's scheduled post without first addressing my thoughts on what's going on.

I posted this verse in Instagram  last week encouraging people to take a step back from all the voices, the news that are basically screaming to us from every angle and simply silencing themselves to God. Where we can then be able to show the people around us in who our hope is in and where our hope comes from. But even with that being said I completely understand that its not as easy to do so.

I must admit that these times have been pretty difficult for my family and myself. Our current situation is that Caleb is out of school therefore must be home schooled yet my husband and I must continue to work. As if figuring out how to engage your kid into home school isn't difficult enough, we are having to figure it out while we are at work and my mom babysits the little one, Ethan, and teaches Caleb. If you are wondering yes, it's a little difficult for her and yes it's pretty frustrating for me since I wish I can be home at least helping. Before writing that Instagram post I was far away from silencing myself. I honestly went from being very chill about it and taking some precautions to like getting extremely worried, anxious and scared. I'm not ashamed to say it because I'm human! 

To give you all a bit of background as a family we've have gone through some difficult times in these past two years where we have felt like we haven't gotten much of a break. In November 2018 we feel like we lived a moment where we basically almost lost Ethan to pneumonia, and then a few months later all the 3 guys get a stomach bug and then a couple of months after that we faced a moment where Carlos was hospitalized and then where all 3 guys gets hit with the flu (I will further talk about these two events in future posts). In between those like major ones there has been the occasional cold, the hands, mouth and feet virus etc. Basically health issues have been hitting us hard so yes facing this Corona pandemic has emotionally and mentally hit us hard as well, where yes we're scared. Scared of not only catching it but bringing it home and exposing the boys to it.  

Yet in the midst of this fear and anxiety which in my human mind I can say it's very acceptable I was faced with this urge in me to take a step back and basically look up to God. So with that in mind I want to let  you all know that I understand those of you who are scared, those of you who are anxious, those of you who are frustrated. I am praying for you as I walk right along with you and battle those same feelings daily. I want to encourage you though, that even as we keep ourselves in seclusion don't let that and those overwhelming feelings take away your love, take away your grace and your empathy for those around you. 

So as you take all the precautions to take care of yourself and your family keep in mind that there are people around you trying to do the same and fighting the same feelings you're fighting. I urge you to be kind, to be understanding, to show grace and love. Don't go crazy and hoarder on toilet paper LOL. Stock up what is reasonable and if you happen to get extra then be in the alert to see who might be needing what you have extra and share it. Put on some gloves put in a bag and drop it in front of their door and then call them and tell them to pick it up from their door. Let us grow in unity during a time of distancing and seclusion. 

With much love,
