I'm Back!

Hey Guys,

I'm so glad to FINALLY be back. I know I got a little disconnected which led to the much needed break I announced in Social Media back in JUNE. It was a family decision, both my husband and I felt like we needed some time to kind of reset. It was time where we dedicated some of it to focus on us as a family. But over all it was honestly a time of prayer and seeking guidance on our next steps in this journey. Many things has happened which pushed my return back a little longer than expected and you will read all about it in the future. But, I'm back, ready and excited to share with you all the ugly and beauty I got to see during this far too long break.

While away, I have decided to make some changes.  I will continue to make bi-weekly post but it will no longer be Thursdays, it will be Wednesdays instead. Wednesday is just an easier day overall, maybe because it's mid week. Also, I've decided that every summer I will take a break (and no it will not be as long as this one, my plan is for just a month). As much as I love to write and pour my heart out to you all taking some time off to refocus has been so great for my family and me. Quite inspiring actually. So stay tune for the first official post next Wednesday.

With much Blessings and Love ❤ Sharie


Emily Collazo said…
Love you !! Can't wait for next week to read more !!