Unmerited Grace

You move around the Earth with effortless grace
Your presence is felt like a cool summer breeze in our face.
Refreshing our souls from the burdens of life
Switching out our yoke telling us "here take mine"
"For my yoke easy and my burden is light."
Light to my path is your word when my path seems too dark to walk
When everything seems to be difficult, making me want to take flight
When prayers seems impossible because I can't even talk.
There you are
Not even an inch afar.
Sometimes in silence embracing me as you catch each one of my tears
Calming down each one of my fears
Shutting down the voice that's screaming inside of my head
Saying You can't do this, you're better off dead
There you are
Not even an inch afar
Letting me know it's going to be okay
To keep following you because you know the way
Yet I can't even seem to understand
How is that you want someone like me who seems to belong in wasteland?
Yet there you are
Not even an inch afar
Telling me I'm precious in your sight
Saying that in me you delight
Reminding me that it was for me that you paid the highest price
Gave up your life to save mine, an image so precise
And I realize this is something I just need to embrace
And that's God's Unmerited Grace.
