"The Future is Female", a statement that recently was revived from a lesbian separatist movement in the mid 1970s and became now a cry of many women. A quote I continue to hear and see a lot in posts and even on shirts. A saying that makes me ask the question: is it?

As a female raised by two strong females (mom and grandma) I want to believe it is but as a believer it tends to make me cringe. As a female I've been told I can do everything a male does and even better. So how can I not believe that the future is female?

I ask that you join me as I explain why I cringe at the thought of the future being female. I'll start with what I believe. I believe in being a strong women, in supporting, honoring, and most importantly raising them. Although I'm a mom of boys I have hope that one day I'll be able to raise one of my own. There's nothing wrong with being strong, with being courageous and bold. There's nothing wrong with being entrepreneurs, with being professionals, with being educated and being speakers. I mean God has gifted us with being resourceful, nurturing, multi-taskers and much more. That's not the problem, the problem is believing that you can rely on yourself only

That right there doesn't fall in order with God's design. I understand that although that's a simple answer for me now, it's not for everyone but don't leave me just yet, I promise we're going some where. And I say now because this wasn't always my case. Like I said before I was raised by females who showed me that a men wasn't needed to do life and survive. Both my mother and grandmother were single moms, they had to do it all on their own, and raised me to believe that I only had myself to rely on. They, of course will always have my back but depending on a man was not an option. That, of course also changed in them after starting their relationship with God and realizing God's design as well.

So, what's God's design? That might be something you're asking yourself right about now. Let me give you a quick recap of  the beginning where God created man and female. "Then the Lord God said, "It is not good for a man to be alone. I will make a helper corresponding to him." (Gen. 2:18) As you continue to read you'll see that God then caused the man to fall into a deep sleep, removed a rib and from the rib created us women. Yet, before creating us women after creating everything in this planet and seeing it as a good thing He saw something that wasn't good and that was for a man to be alone. Creating us then for a purpose, for a specific role, to be the men's helper, his companion. Someone that is like him (bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh- v.23) but different at the same time.

Now, don't get it twisted we're are just as important as men. God created both men and women in His image. He called both men and women to subdue the earth (Gen. 1:28). So, although our roles are different we are equivalent and when our roles come together it brings a certain order whether it's in the household (for my married couples), at work, in an organization, church, or in leaderships roles.

Unfortunately, the rise of the feminist movement, the cry of the women wanting to defend themselves from the misogyny that is seen day by day has misled them to believe that they should take a role that wasn't designed for us. We can be strong, courageous, bold, educated, entrepreneurs that can also yield and honor our husband (this is for my married ladies) but most importantly yield and honor God and His design. Realize this ladies, to rely on yourself is not only saying I don't need a man, a man is useless but is also saying I don't need God to guide and help me, I got this, I know best.

The bible shows us many women that were just as bold and courageous as we are and want to be, but that knew to follow God's design. One of them being Deborah, the story that many people share to support their feminist view but that instead is the perfect illustration of feminine leadership conducted in the order of creation.

Deborah was a prophetess, a wife, and a judge to Israel (Jdg. 4:4), a woman that was well established but that didn't let it pull her away from knowing her role as a woman. Bible states that she would sit under a palm tree and people would go to her to settle their disputes. When she had to speak to the military leader, she didn't go to his house to tell him what she needed to say to him. Instead, she summoned him, to then confront him with the purpose to inspire the military leader, Barak, to obedience. Which led to Barak wanting her to go with him to the war and she did! Tell me if that's not courageous and bold. A woman who at that time, women in general was belittled times a thousand was asked to go to war by the military leader and the bible states that she said "I will gladly go with you."

But, she didn't take over as the military leader, she went to support, and to speak words of exhortation to Barak and the 10,000 men that fought. So, ladies even if God allows you to be in front of thousands of men don't let that cloud your vision and pull you away from your role. With this being said, it is my hope that you use your gifts and who you are in a way that honors God's design. To my single ladies and moms, who are stepping up in both roles as best as possible I want to encourage you to keep going but to rely on God and if it's your desire to one day join with a man, then it's my hope that you can be able to step back from that role and let him fulfill it. To the guys, if you happen to read this and realize that you're falling short in your role as the man then I hope you get filled with courage and step up. And if you're fulfilling your role, then it is my hope that you become more aware of not undermining but instead empowering the women (wife, mom, daughter, sister, coworkers) that God has placed in your life.
